REVIEW: ‘American Underdog’ let down by overstuffed story, weak script

Greatest Show this is not.

“American Underdog” tells the story of Kurt Warner. A man who, despite many setbacks, managed to earn a roster spot on a National Football League team, the St. Louis (now Los Angeles) Rams, and lead them to a Super Bowl championship.

Warner is portrayed by Zachary Levi, and the film follows how he played at the University of Northern Iowa, met his wife Brenda (Anna Paquin) and worked to make an NFL roster, mainly by building highlights in the Arena Football League.

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Super Bowl LIV Movie Trailers

Over the course of the Super Bowl where the vaunted San Francisco 49ers defense took on the high powered Kansas City Chiefs offense, viewers were shown several previews for upcoming flicks

The previews shown were from movies ranging from action to family.

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