REVIEW: ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ is a chaotic blast

“Love Lies Bleeding” is a really accurate title, because this film has all three. It also has a ton of awesomeness.

Kristen Stewart stars as gym manager Lou in “Love Lies Bleeding.” A recluse, Lou seems to just be on cruise control in her life. Jackie (Katy O’Brian), meanwhile, is a woman who’s hitchhiked from Oklahoma to New Mexico, with hopes of competing as a body-builder in Las Vegas.

The two meet and begin a relationship, and fall for each other quickly. However, situations related to their past, present and future put them on a wild collision course with destiny that challenges their love.

“Love Lies Bleeding” is a gnarly, intense, sexy crime thriller that’s absolutely captivating from start to finish. Rose Glass, who directed and co-wrote the feature, injects so much chaotic energy and passion into the film that keeps a viewer guessing because of the unpredictability, while they’re also fully invested in the characters and their relationship.

The movie’s crime drama aspect is intriguing and suspenseful, putting a person on edge. The relationship at its core, meanwhile, burns hot with complex emotions and eroticism. Watching the relationship develop and evolve between Lou and Jackie as their situation evolves is compelling cinema.

It’s an interesting mix on display with the relationship. In one way, it comes across as very genuine and grounded. There’s a rawness there to their connection. At the same time, the film has fantastical moments, mainly revolving around the two characters, making it also feel over-the-top (in a good way) at points.

Courtesy A24

In addition to the inventiveness in the writing, the film is also creatively strong visually. There’s a grungy, gritty look to the film that really enhances the picture’s mood and sets the stage for what’s happening.

The cinematography also nicely captures the intimacy between the characters, the emptiness of the desert town setting and the tension in the dramatic,  violent scenes. The whole film is just brimming with personality, and its visual identity has a lot to do with that.

Of course, the film’s two stars deserve a ton of praise as well. Stewart, who’s had a string of strong performances in good movies, such as “Happiest Season,” “Spencer” and “Crimes of the Future” continues that track record here as a character who’s somewhat reserved but has a sharp edge.

Katy O’Brian is also fantastic as the more forward Jackie, portraying the character’s drive to improve her physique and her love of Lou, even if these push her into dangerous territories. The two performers have great chemistry as well, and it’s reflected in their characters, who push themselves forward, sometimes in a risky fashion, to be closer.

All of that works in the film’s favor, as does an awesome supporting performance from Ed Harris, The film’s storytelling could have been tighter around the start of the third act, but that and a few other slight issues don’t hold this film back. It’s wild, weird, romantic and even gross at times. But that all makes it an enjoyable experience. 4.5 out of 5.

Author: Matthew Liedke

Journalist and film critic in Minnesota. Graduate of Rainy River College and Minnesota State University in Moorhead. Outside of movies I also enjoy sports, craft beers and the occasional video game.

One thought on “REVIEW: ‘Love Lies Bleeding’ is a chaotic blast”

  1. Great review. This is another film that I look forward to seeing at some point. The premise sounds interesting but the main draw for me is that star-studded cast. Kristen Stewart is a superb actress that has really turned her career around following “Twilight”. I love all her movies but recently I was most impressed with her turn as Princess Diana in “Spencer”. Here’s my review for that film:

    "Spencer" (2021)- Movie Review


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